We hope not. Because we’d like to share our secret with you and then have you share it with everyone at McDonalds. And then all three legs of the stool will be moving together towards new technologies that drive business and the bottom line.
You see, Kitchen Brains doesn’t make kitchen equipment. What we make is brand-agnostic kitchen controls that connect equipment, both locally and in the Cloud, to enable QSRs to optimize their business. And, perhaps the biggest secret of all is that an estimated 500,000 kitchen equipment units, from some of the best known brands in the world, already have Kitchen Brains KB360 connectivity capability built-in.
Find out how the kitchen equipment you already have may be able to connect you to greater success, whether it’s determining what, when and how much to cook, to assure availability and freshness, or guiding your team through required activities to meet corporate and government guidelines.